Research Activity for Susan W. Butterworth, PhD
Current and Completed Research Support (click on study title below to view details)
PCORI (Bailey & Robinson, Co-PIs)
SC15-1503-28336 ($5.2 million) 5/01/16 – 4/30/20
The overall goal of this study is to compare how well Motivational Messages (text messages from the doctor’s office), Diabetes Wellness Coaches, and enhanced usual care with diabetes education materials (provided at the doctor’s office) work to help African-American adults with uncontrolled diabetes improve their diabetes self-care decisions.
Role: Co-investigator
CERC, Stanford University (Choudhry & Milstein, Co-PIs)
6/01/17 – 1/31/18
This trial is a block and cluster-randomized open-label multi-centered pragmatic randomized clinical trial comparing healthcare spending and clinical outcomes for subjects with spine pain of less than six weeks duration, in whom there are no red flag signs or symptoms. Subjects are randomized to one of three treatment strategies: (1) usual primary care provider-led care; (2) usual PCP-led care with spine pain treatment directed by the Identify, Coordinate, and Enhanced decision making (ICE) care model, and (3) usual PCP-led care with spine pain treatment directed by the Individualized Postural Therapy (IPT) care model. Outcomes of interest are spine-related healthcare utilization at one year as well as pain and functionality of the study participants.
Role: Administer Spine Coach intervention for ICE arm
VA RR&D, NCRAR (Lewis, PI)
C1004-P ($810,000) 9/01/13 – 8/31/15
The goal of this research grant is to examine the effectiveness of two interventions for unsatisfied hearing-aid users. There will be a usual care group and a treatment group, with the intervention with a motivational interviewing-based coaching approach. Outcomes include use of hearing aids and participant satisfaction.
Role: MI Trainer
VA RR&D (Lewis, PI)
C7067W $713,800 9/01/09 - 8/30/13
The primary purposes of the research associated with this award are: 1) to examine the relationship between spousal opinions regarding hearing aids on patient post-use satisfaction with hearing aids and 2) to assess the relative efficacy of different intervention strategies at addressing pre-use expectations with the ultimate aim of improving satisfaction with hearing aids. MI is being tested as one of the intervention strategies.
Role: MI Trainer
TNGP-THC Program, HRSA (Linden, PI)
H2AIT16621 $755,941 10/01/2009 – 12/31/12
This grant was awarded to Asante Health System to provide better chronic care management in rural areas. The objective is to improve outcomes and reduce concomitant healthcare costs for congestive heart failure (CHF) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients in the rural counties of southern Oregon by deploying a hospital-based health management intervention that couples telemonitoring with Motivational Interviewing-based health coaching immediately subsequent to hospital discharge.
Role: Co-investigator
National Institute on Aging (Jimison, PI)
1RC1AG036121-01 $477,611 9/30/09 – 08/31/11
This study will integrate cognitive intervention protocols into a health coaching technology and evaluate the feasibility of a novel and scalable method for delivering tailored cognitive health interventions to elders in their home environment. The development and pilot evaluations in this project are designed as preparation for a larger clinical trial evaluating the effectives of various sustained cognitive interventions delivered over longer periods of time with our remote health coaching technology, which is based on Motivational Interviewing.
Role: Co-investigator
Intermountain Healthcare and Oregon Health & Science University
The John A. Hartford Foundation $2.5 million 9/01/07 – 08/31/11
This grant is a dissemination grant as a follow-up to the Care Management Plus collaborative care, chronic disease management and quality enhancement project. Study activities include sharing the principles of the model, training staff, and assisting with the development of client-centered technology systems. Care Management Plus is a technology-intensive, innovative primary care model that reduces hospitalizations, lowers costs and improves health outcomes for older adults with chronic illnesses.
Role: Co-investigator
1RO1-DP000103-01 Competitive Continuation $.5 million DHHS/CDC (Butterworth, PI) 10/01/07 – 9/30/10
The overarching objective of this application is to perform one of the most intensive analysis of factors related to reach, adoption, feasibility, fidelity, acceptability, compatibility and outcome of three of the most widely used worksite wellness interventions (health risk assessment, online tailored communications and health coaching) delivered under combinations of three of the most widely used recruitment and retention strategies (persuasive communications, incentives, and telephone outreach).
Role: Principal Investigator
1RO1-DP000103-01 $1.2 million DHHS/CDC (Butterworth, PI) 9/15/04 - 12/31/08
Clinical trial. The overarching objective is to compare high impact health promotion programs with employees at each stage of change on multiple behavior changes, cost effectiveness, quality of life, and productivity. Interventions compared include Motivational Interviewing-based health coaching and stage-based, computerized self-study guides.
Role: Principal Investigator
Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) (Wadhwa, PI) 9/1/05 – 8/31/07
A Collaborative Group Approach to Consumer Diabetes Education for High Risk Consumers to Support Disease Management Interventions in Oregon and New Hampshire as part of the Medicaid Value Program: Health Supports for Consumers with Chronic Conditions. The objective of the study is to compare clinical and financial measures in Medicaid clients who participate in group Motivational Interviewing-based health education led by certified diabetic educators and nurses in tandem with an existing telephonic and community-based disease management program.
Role: Consultant
DHHS Administration on Aging (Bennett, PI) 7/1/2002 - 6/30/2004
The purpose of the Healthy Aging Project Phase II is to test the hypothesis that a motivational interviewing intervention in addition to standard care in a primary care setting can enhance quality of life and reduce health risks for clients over the age of 60.
Role: Consultant
DHHS Administration on Aging (Potempa, PI) 8/1/2000 - 1/31/2002
The purposes of the Healthy Aging Project are to: a) create an individualized health care plan in collaboration with participants based on their vulnerability, risk factors, and personal preferences; b) to support that plan through scientifically based behavioral interventions such as coaching, tailored education, and motivational interviews during primary care visits, etc.; and c) to coordinate a full continuum of care in support of the individualized care plan.
Role: Consultant
5 RO1-AR45901-03 (Elliot, PI) 04/01/99 - 03/31/03 NIH/NIAMS
This proposal is designed to test two major theoretical health promotion models to address the unhealthy behaviors of fire fighters. Results will greatly assist health professionals to understand strengths and weaknesses of peer led social learning and individualized approaches to enhance health using the motivational interviewing approach.
Role: Consultant